Write the three forms of these regular vebs. Do you remember what they mean? Then write sentences with the correct forms of these verbs.
to play, to change, to land
1 They/play/tennis/last week.
2 I/never/play/tennis/before.
3 The satellite/land/in the sea/two hours ago.
4 We/change/our plan.


Ответ дал: Sweedle



1. They played tennis last week

2. I have never played tennis before

3. The satellite landed in the sea two hours ago

4.  We changed our plan

Насчёт написать три формы...

Глаголы правильные , поэтому не понимаю о каких трёх формах идёт речь

Но если говорить о форме

Прошлое - настоящее - будущее , то будет так:

1. Played - play - will play

2. Changed - Change - Will change

3. Landed - Land - Will land

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