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Ответ дал: nunny

A Find and correct the mistakes in the conversation below. There are six mistakes.

A: There are a couple of things I'd like to (1) ask about.

B: Go ahead.

A: Firstly, which of your films do you think is the best?

B: I'm having (2) to say Millennium Dreamer. For me, it's my best film and it was my first comedy.

A: Can I ask you around (3) that? You've never done comedy before. Why not?

B: I don't know. I suppose people think I'm a serious actor.

A: Could I ask a (4) question about your image? Is it accurate? Are you really the strong silent type in real life?

B: No. One of (5) thing I'd like to say is that these images are invented by the media. By (6) my opinion, good actors are never just one thing. That's why they're actors.

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