Помогите составить сочинение на английском на тему "10 предложений о себе в past simple"
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Можете писать про себя, потом по аналогии вашего текста составлю тоже самое про себя)))))


Ответ дал: meri899885

Ответ:I am Mary. In past i liked to eat a lot of sugar, cakes, cookies. I was very calm, my life wasn't health... And it was very borind and.. terrible. When I was 5 years old, i went to dance first time in my life. In first time dance was very difficult, but then i'd like this activity. When i was 8, my body was so strong and nice. I understood that sport - very good for body and health. When i was 11, i went to running. Here was to difficult, i went to 2 activity in 1 time. But i was very purposeful. And now i am sport girl.


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