Task 6. Open the brackets and put the verbs into the proper form of the past (the Past Simple or Past Continuous tense).
1. People from different countries ________ (to come) to the New World for more than one hundred years before the colonies ______ (to start) the war for their independence.
2. The first settlers _______ (to arrive) in the unknown lands, _______ (to build) some dwellings and _______ (to try) to assimilate there but most of them _______ (not / to adapt) to such harsh conditions and _______ (to die) from different disease, cold or starvation.
3. The slaves _______ (to work) at their owners’ plantations all day long without much rest. Even a child _______ (to do) some job during for several hours a day.
4. Some tribes ______ (not / to trade) with settlers even though they _______ (to be) just common people without guns who ______ (to hunt) for the riches of the New World.
5. The first colony _______ (to discuss) its participation in the Commonwealth with Britain for three years before people ______ (to start) talking about independence.
6. Columbus _________ (not / to land) the future states, he _______ (to stay) at the Caribbean Islands during his trip to North America.
7. The colonies’ governors ________ (to establish) the local constitution and _______ (to define) the taxes. Each colony _______ (to gain) the control over its land little by little day by day and the colonies policies _______ (to become) stronger and stronger.
8. James Fennimore Cooper ______ (to write) his novel “The Last of the Mohicans” in 1826 about the period when French _______ (to fight) with Indians.


Ответ дал: nunny

Task 6. Open the brackets and put the verbs into the proper form of the past (the Past Simple or Past Continuous tense).

1. People from different countries ________ (were coming) to the New World for more than one hundred years before the colonies ______ (started) the war for their independence.

2. The first settlers _______ ( arrived) in the unknown lands, _______ (built) some dwellings and _______ (tried) to assimilate there but most of them _______ (did not  adapt) to such harsh conditions and _______ ( died) from different disease, cold or starvation.

3. The slaves _______ (were working) at their owners’ plantations all day long without much rest. Even a child _______ (was doing) some job during for several hours a day.

4. Some tribes ______ (did not trade) with settlers even though they _______ (were) just common people without guns who ______ (were hunting) for the riches of the New World.

5. The first colony _______ (was discussing) its participation in the Commonwealth with Britain for three years before people ______ (started) talking about independence.

6. Columbus _________ (did not  land) the future states, he _______ (stayed) at the Caribbean Islands during his trip to North America.

7. The colonies’ governors ________ (established) the local constitution and _______ (defined) the taxes. Each colony _______ (was gaining) the control over its land little by little day by day and the colonies policies _______ (were becoming) stronger and stronger.

8. James Fennimore Cooper ______ ( wrote) his novel “The Last of the Mohicans” in 1826 about the period when French _______ (were fighting) with Indians.

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