Найти и Выписать глаголы present simple(indefinite)

The last two days of the week are Saturday and Sunday. They are called the weekend. People don’t go to work on weekends. But students and pupils have only one day off. It is Sunday.
Weekend is my favourite time of the week because I don’t go to the college. I think Sunday is the best day of the week. On this day I wake up later than usual. And sometimes I don’t get up till nine or ten o’clock. As soon as I get up I air the room, do my bed and do morning exercises. Then I have breakfast and help my Mother to put away the dishes and wash them.
After breakfast I get ready with my homework and then I am free. I meet my friends and we discuss our plans together. Last Sunday we went to the Zoo. There were many funny animals there. It was very interesting to spend time there.
On Sundays I usually do shopping. My mother tells me what to buy and I go shopping. As a rule I go to the shop near my house. There are many departments in this shop and I can buy different goods there. Then I go to the baker’s and buy bread and rolls. I also buy milk at the dairy department. In the evening our family gets together. We have supper, watch TV or read books. Reading is my hobby I like to read detective stories or books of modern writers. At about eleven o’clock I go to bed.


Ответ дал: kavaevkir


Go - идти

Have - иметь

Wake up - просыпаться

Get up - вставать

Do - Делать

Help - Помогать

Put away - Откладывать

Wash - Мыть

Air - в данном случае Проветривать

Meet - Встретиться

Discuss - Обсуждать

Went (в Present Simple - "go", записывай как надо тебе) - ушёл

were (в Present Simple - "be"), - были

Spend - Тратить

Tell - Рассказывать

Buy - Покупать

Can - Мочь

Read - Читать


В основном в тексте глаголы в Present Simple, но те что нет - я пометил.

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