1 Books … are very expensive nowadays. A which are our friends B ,which are our friends, 2 Martin… is very naïve for his age. A who is my brother B ,who is my brother, 3 People … abuse animals must be arrested. A who B which C where 4 Vivien … go as it was already late. It was getting darker every minute. A had to B must C should 5 You … share this news with Col as he is your friend. A should B must C have to 6 Sue wishes she … in a warm country now. A is B was C will be 7 You should avoid … at him, he may critically react to that. A stare B staring C to stare 8 I it … summer, it … warm or even hot. A is, is B was, was C was, would be 9 If we … a chance, we … the school project, but we’ll be very busy. A had, would join B had had, would have joined 10 If you … the diet, you … slim now. A had followed, would be B followed, would have looked


Ответ дал: KsushaExpert


1 Books … are very expensive nowadays. B ,which are our friends, (Non-defining, that is why with comma).

2 Martin… is very naïve for his age. B ,who is my brother, (Non-defining, that is why with comma).

3 People … abuse animals must be arrested. A who

4 Vivien … go as it was already late. It was getting darker every minute. A had to (Past Simple)

5 You … share this news with Col as he is your friend. A should

6 Sue wishes she … in a warm country now. B was

7 You should avoid … at him, he may critically react to that. B staring

8 It … summer, it … warm or even hot. A is, is

9 If we … a chance, we … the school project, but we’ll be very busy. A had, would join

10 If you … the diet, you … slim now. B followed, would have looked .


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