Помогите, 3-е задание​



Ответ дал: adameramazanow


1c 2d 3f 4e 5a 6h 7b 8g


1. If you wear a coat, you won't be cold.

2. If you go to bed late, you will be tired tomorrow.

3. If you touch that hot pan, you will burn yourself.

4. If you take an aspirin, you will feel better.

5. If you If you not take an umbrella with you, you will get wet.

6. If you not hurry, you will be late.

7. If you drive too fast, you will have an accident.

8. If you leave your bag here, you will lose it.

AkameGaKill1: Только в пятом, я думаю не not take, а dont take. Опять же, могу ошибиться
adameramazanow: да, скорее всего, извиняюсь
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