Это олимпиада,вроде бы решил,но сомневаюсь
1 There is ... milk in the carton
A.some B.any
2There are ... apples in the lunch box
A.some B.any
3 Is there ... cheese?
A.some B.any
4There isn't ... cakes
A.some B.any
5.Have we got ... juice?
A.some B.any
6.We have ... oranges in the fridge
A.some B.any
7 Those ... our chairs.
A.does B.are C.am
8.Where ...you from?
A.are B.is C.have
9....eat salad and pizza
A.she B.They C.It
10.Phill ... brothers
A. Is Johns' B.is John's C.is Johns
11 My name ...
A.are B.you C.is
12.She ... to school every day
A.go B.Went C.goes
13.... they know English?
A.Did B.Does C.Do
14.We ... mil very much
A.like B.likes C.will like
15He .... reaf books
A.don't B.Doesn't C.Didn't


Ответ дал: Mozg0Lom1

1. A

2. A

3. B

4. B

5. B

6. A

7. B

8. A

9. B

10. B (Точно brothers, а не brother? Проверь)

11. C

12. C

13. C

14. A

15. B

samalzhumabaeva1984: A,да,brother.Спасибо,вроде всё так-же было)
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