4. Rewrite the sentences with the word or words in brackets. Make any necessary changes to the word order. Sometimes it is necessary to add another word. Example He’s lived in that house. (1985) He’s lived in that house since 1985. I’ve finished. (not yet) They’ve booked the restaurant. (yet?) We’ve ordered the champagne. ( already) Anna’s been studying hard. ( five hours) Jim’s been cleaning his bike. ( How long?) I’ve seen Jim. ( Just) We’ve been helping Mary.( five o’clock


Ответ дал: gersiiik


1. I haven't finished yet.

2. Have they booked the restaurant yet?

3. We have already ordered the champagne.

4. Anna has been studying hard for five hours.

5. How long has Jim been cleaning his bike?

6. I have just seen Jim.

7. We have been helping Mary since five o'clock.

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