*Fill in with: find, soft, scared, asleep,
look for, mad, put out, dark, creature.
The Haunted Castle
I was lost in a huge castle and I was going
..... I ran through corridors and
courtyards but I couldn't 2)
..... a way out.
It started to get 3) ...................... and I was exhausted
so I decided to 4)
.. a bed to
rest. I quickly fell 5)
opened my eyes and saw a huge ugly
6) ................... I screamed and looked
around. Next, I felt something
grabbing me. 17) ....
...... my
hand to stop it and touched something
8) ............................. I was SO
9) .......................! I woke up to see my
mum sitting on my bed. I was so relieved;
it was all just a silly dream.​



Ответ дал: gersiiik


1. mad

2. find

3. dark

4. look for

5. asleep

6. creature

7. put out

8. soft

9. scared

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