!!!!Помогите, пожалуйст!!!!
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. 1) ___ the Whites ___ (to move) into their new flat?- No, they___. But they ___ (already to buy) new furniture. 2)___ Adam ___ (to pay) the electricity bill yet? - No, he ___. He ___ (not to get) his salary yet. 3)__ you ___ (to be) to the supermarket today? - No, I ___ . My mother ___ (not to tell) me what to buy so far. 4)___ Kevin ___ (to find) his driving licence?- No, he ___. But he ___ (to find) the key he lost a month ago. 5) ___ Sue ___ (to speak) to her parents about starting her own business? -Yes, she ___ 6) ___ you ___ (to cook) dinner? Yes, I ___. And I ___ (already to set) the table. 7)___ your brother ___ (to watch) this film?- No, ___ he ___, but his friends watch it. 8) ___ Julia ___ (ever to ski)? – No, she ___ (never to ski)? — No, she ___ (never to ski) 9) ___ Jeff and Olga ___ (ever to be) to Prague? - Well, they ___ (just to go) there. 10) ___ you ___ (to meet) our teacher today? Yes, I ___ . ​


Ответ дал: antonknkv


1.Have the Whites moved... ; no, they haven't ;.. have already bought... ;

2. Has Adam paid ... ; no, he hasn't ; he hasn't got .... ;

3.Have you been... ; no, I haven't ; ... has told..;

4. Has Kevin found... ; no, he hasn't ; .. has found .. ;

5. Has Sue spoken... ; yes, she has ;

6. Have you cooked..; yes, I have;.. have already set.. ;

7.Has your bro watched... ;no, he hasn't

8. Has Julia ever skied... ;no, she has never skied;

9.Have Jeff n Olga ever been...; they've just gone..;

10.Have you met..; yes, I have

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