Помогите по англ.. Даны предложения. Из них надо составить общие вопросы и выслушайте
краткий ответ:
1. This book is interesting.
2. I like reading.
3. My sister goes to school.
4. My friend finished school two years ago.
5. They are students.
6. He will come tomorrow.
7. We study every day.
8. I was born in Moscow.
9. We like the film very much.
10. I saw my friend yesterday.
11. I shall tell you the news.
12. His mother works as a teacher.
13. This work is difficult.


Ответ дал: stupidbeach


1.Do you like this book?

2.Do you like reading?

3.Does your sister go school?

4.Did your friend graduate?

5.Are they teachers?

6.Will he come tomorrow?

7.Do we study everyday?

8.Were you born in Moscow?

9.Do you like the film?

10.Did you saw your friend?

11.Did you shall to tell me something?

12.Does his mother work?

13.Does this work is easy?

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