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Ответ дал: amazinggames332
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amazinggames332: ну вопросительные идет уже конечно “Will you”
arabyan2021: Плиз,можно побыстрее)10 минут осталось))
Ответ дал: Аноним


1.will play

2.will pay

3.Will you open

4.will switch on

5.will be

6.will help

7.will go

8.will be

9.will finish

10.will pass

Ex. 2

2.Will she live in London or in Manchester?

She will live in London.

3.Will you stay at a hotel or at home?

I will stay at home.

4.Will he buy a car or a bike?

He will buy a car.

5.Will she wear a dress or a skirt and blouse?

She will wear a dress.

6.Will they eat a cake or a pie?

They will eat a pie.

Ex. 3

2.When will she come to me?

3.Where will you go?

4.What will he buy?

5.Where will you have a dinner?

6.When will they go to London?

7.Who will help me?

8.When will the weather be poor?

9.Where will you go next week?

10.What will you do in the afternoon?

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