Сделать предложения по основам грамматики:
What .... you usually .... (do) after lunch?
Two men ..... (argue) outside. So I went to see what it was.
I can see her. She ...... (wait) at the corner.
What .... you (do) .... now?Can you help me?
We usually ..... (keep) our closes in this wardrobe.
Everybody ..... (come) to call at 9 o'clock.
He ..... (type) a letter to his boss at the moment.
Four years ago I ..... (decide) to become a police officer.
We ... (eat) breakfast when message ..... (come)
At midnight I ...... (sleep), but Mary ..... (listen) to music.


Ответ дал: HellZet


What do you usually do after lunch?

Two men were arguing outside

She is waiting...

What are you doing now?

We usually keep....

Everybody comes....

He is typing ...

I decided...

We were eating breakfast when message came

I slept, but Mary was listening to music


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