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полученными словами.

7. The Moscow Kremlin is one of the most interesting places in
Moscow. The Kremlin is the _______________________ (OLD)
part of Moscow. It is located on the left bank of the Moskva
River, on the Borovitsky hill.

8. People built the _______________________ (ONE) fortress on
this place in the 11th century.
Now the Kremlin is the historic and political centre of Russia. It
is the place where the President of the Russian Federation

9. _______________________ (WORK).

10. The Spasskaya Tower is the __________________ (FAMOUS)
tower of Moscow Kremlin. The height of the tower without a star
is 67,3 metres. The height of the tower together with the star is
71 metres.

11. Welcome to Moscow. _______________________ (YOU) trip
will be very interesting.


Ответ дал: masha777u


7. Old- oldest

8. One- first

9. Work- works

10. Famous- the most famous

11. You- your

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