Dear Hannah
Mum and I (1) Is/are in New York! We (2) is/are
sitting near the swimming pool (3) in/on the hotel.
She (4) are/is listening to music and we are both
(5) relax/relaxing.
New York is fantastic! It (6) have/has got
(7) somelany interesting places and (8) a/the big
park. We (9) golgoing to the centre every day
(10) In/by taxi. Mum loves (11) look/looking at the
paintings in the museums and galleries.
There (12) is/are also some fantastic shops in the
city. (13) It's/Its clothes shops have got nice jeans
and T-shirts. (14) Are/Do you like clothes from the
USA? I think (15) they're/their great.
See you soon!


Ответ дал: yanooo098


You don’t know English? Well, you’re a complete moron. How are you going to go to college? They will not accept such a moron :) Why did I answer my question without knowing the answer? I wish with a "great" passion in math finish first grade)

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