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Ответ дал: alexandra2132


My family is very friendly and kind. Our family consists of four people: my mum, my dad, my brother and me. My mum works at the florist's, she can make bouquets from flowers and toys. My dad blows balloons and sells all things for celebrations. My brother helps our mum and dad, he sells goods in our shop too. As for me, I help about the house - I tidy the house, wash the dishes and help my mum cook. My family and I often go travelling somewhere. For example, to hot springs. There we swim in almost hot water - this waters are healing. Also we go to Forelevoye. There are mountains. We spend a lot of tome with each other and have fun. I really live my family.

p0tat0es: "We spend a lot of tIme...", "I really lOve my family", "my mum, my dad, my brother, and me"
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