Помогите пожалуйста очень СРОЧНО!!! 25 баллов.
Заранее спасибо)



Ответ дал: SORDIS


Present Simple

1 –  Where does she go on Monday?

2 – washes

3 – does

4 – do not

5 – drinks

6 – takes

7 – visits

8 – writes

9 – has

10 – talks

Present Continuous

1 – is working

2 – are swimming

3 – are they doing

4 – is riding

5 – is cooking

6 – is wearing

7 – are studying

8 – is crying

9 – is helping

10 – are walking

Past Simple

1 – did she work

2 – broke

3 – met

4 – flied

5 – didn’t eat

6 – had

7 – found

8 – made

9 – kissed

Present Perfect

1 – has failed

2 – has just had

3 – has invited

4 – have already come

5 – has bought

6 – has learned

7 – has repaired

8 – have answered

9 – has made


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