(30баллов очень срочно)

1. hot
2. weighs
3. cold
4. seas
5. fish
6. meat
7. swim
There are seventeen different kinds of penguins that live
in the__(12)
and oceans south of equator. Most
people think that penguins live in very__(13)
climates like the icy continent of Antarctica, but they
also live in warmer areas like the Galapagos Islands,
Australia, and South Africa. They are birds that cannot
fly, but love to__(14)
! The Galapagos penguin
lives in the waters of the Galapagos Islands near South
America. It is very small. It is about 45 centimetres tall,
about 2.5 kilograms. Its body is black
and white. On its black head there is a thin white line,
which runs from its throat up to its eyes. The pinguin's
legs are very short.
Galapagos penguins eat small___(16)
live up to twenty years.

Помогите плиз, нужно вставить слова в пропуски два из них лишнии​


Ответ дал: adamovicht


seas, cold, swim, weighs, fish

Ответ дал: kotepes74
12) seas 13) cold 14) swim 15)weighs 16)fish (вроде так)
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