Writing. Complete the sentences
1. Do you think
(the teacher/give) us an exam tomorrow, if we
_(ask) her not to?
2. If it
(be) sunny tomorrow, we
_go to the park.
3. We
_see lots of cool animals if we
_(go) to Kenia.
4. Ben said
(he/put) the photo on his blog if he
(have) time this weekend.
5. If you
_(bring your smartphone, I
(not need) my
6. You
(lose) your passport if you
(not look) after it.


Ответ дал: krolikst2004


1. Do you think the teacher will give us an exam tomorrow, if we ask her not to?

2. If it is sunny tomorrow, we will go to the prk.

3. We will see lots of cool animals, if we go to Kenia.

4. Ben said he would  put the photo on his blog, if he had time this weekend.

5. If you bring your smartphone, i won`t need my camera.

6. You will losw your passport, if you don`t look after it.

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