1.Что делать перед поездкой? 2. Почему люди путешествуют? 3. В чем разница между автомобилем и автобусом? 4. Опишите свою лучшую поездку.
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Ответ дал: clashofclans133


If you preparing to visit another country you should pack your luggage before the airport.

As for me people like to travel because it’s a good chance to visit new country and find new friends and to be aware of new culture.

There is a big difference between car and bus. If you’re riding a bus it’s mean that you’re not alone and there are more than five people. So if you have your own car it’s mean you can do whatever you want and ride by your own.

My best trip was to Canada last summer. I have been there for two months and I’m so glad that I had chance to visit this charming country.


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