Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There are two extra words. any, couldn't, don't, going, might, much, seems, shall, still, teeth, this, those,tooth .
>>Joe seems sad today. Is he OK? 1. I __swim when I was young. 2.My__ hurt! I must go to the dentist tomorrow. 3 I can't come out with you. I'm___doing my homework. 4.I'm not sure, but Mum__come home late tonight. 5. How__snow is there in the mountains? 6. __I make dinner for you tonight?. 7.___ shoes over there ore nice. I wone to buy them. 8.Brendo hates___to the supermarket. 9.__ touch that! It's hot!10. Have you got _ good Cds for me?


Ответ дал: wsaspo


1. couldn't

2. teeth

3. still

4. might

5. much

6. shall

7. this

8. going

9. don't

10. any

Ответ дал: aruzhanamangeldina9

1. couldn't

2. tooth

3. still

4. Might

5. Much

6. Shall

7. those

8. going

9. don't

10. any

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