4. Complete with Present Simple Passive or Past Simple Passive.
1. Most children are educated in public schools. (educate)
2. The president
for four years. (elect)
3. The match
by millions of people last week. (watch)
4. The castle
in the 16th century. (build)
5. The bicycle usually
in the garage. (keep)
6. Wheat
in July (harvest)
7. The dishwasher
by my father yesterday. (repair)
8. Cotton_ still
by hand. (pick)
9. The parcel
in the post. (lose)​


Ответ дал: paknatalya0712


  1. are educated
  2. was elected
  3. was watched
  4. was built
  5. is kept
  6. is harvested
  7. was repaired
  8. is picked
  9. was lost


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