Поставьте глаголы данные в скобках в present perfect progressive
1) My grandfather (to work) in the garden since he retired.
2)I (to use) this cream since I discovered it.
3)she (to sell) fruit and vegetables for five years.
4) the factory (to produce) these trainers for two years.
5) my mum( to eat) low-calorie foods for six months.
Помогите пожалуйста.


Ответ дал: germanovaleriia
1) My grandfather has been working in the garden since he retired.
2) I have been using this cream since I discovered it.
3) She has been selling fruit and vegetables for five years.
4) The factory has been producing these trainers for two years.
5) My mum has been eating low-calorie foods for six months.
Ответ дал: Wolflover15

1. Has been working

2. Have been using

3. Has been selling

4. Has been producing

5. Has been eating

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