Пожалуйста помогите с Английским.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.Use Zero Conditional.

1.The teacher ________ (get) angry if we__________(not / work) hard.

2.If Tom ________(feel) tired, he _______(go) for a walk.

3.If Tom ________(drink) coffee at night, it _______(take) him ages to get asleep.

4.If I _______ (go) on a boat, I always________ (feel) sick.

5.If my cat _______(be) hungry, I _______(have) to feed it.​


Ответ дал: sinayka
will get, won’t/ will not work
feels, should go
drinks/will drink, it will take
went, feel
is,will have
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