Напишите эти предложения в косвенной речи.

1) Tom: "Where is Hollywood situated?". Tom asked ________
2) Greg: "Our rugby team has achieved great results". Greg said ________
3) Sandy: "I will keep silent". Sandy promised that ________
4) Sam: " Peter the Great founded St Petersburg in 1703" Sam explained that _______
5) Kate : " I spent my last weekend in Moscow" Kate said that ________


Ответ дал: SenikaRyuAdeline


Tom asked where Hollywood was situated

Greg said that their rugby team had achieved great results

Sandy promised that she would keep silent

Sam explained that Peter the Great had founded st Petersburg in 1703

Kate said that she had spent her last weekend in Moscow

Ответ дал: Juliyasha11


Tom asked where Hollywood was situated.

Greg said that their rugby team had achieved great results.

Sandy promised that she would keep silent.

Sam explained that Peter the Great had founded st Petersburg in 1703.

Kate said that she had spent her last weekend in Moscow.


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