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Ответ дал: erofan333


Tall taller the tallest

Cheap, cheaper, the cheapest

Expensive, more expensive, the most expensive

Good, better, the best

Lazy, lazier, the laziest

Pretty, prettier, the prettiest

Beautiful, more beautiful, the most beautiful

Difficult, more difficult, the most difficult

Boring, more boring, the most boring

Shy, shyer, shyest

Happy, happier, the happiest

Short, shorter, the shortest

Famous, more famous, the most famous

Comfortable, more comfortable, the most comfortable

Ugly, uglier, the ugliest

Warm, warmer, the warmest

Long, longer, the longest

Intelligent, more Intelligent, the most Intelligent

Wide, wider, the widest

Thick, thicker, the thickest

Smart, smarter, the smartest

Far, farther/further, the farthest/ the furthest

Bad, worse, the worst

Fat, fatter, the fattest

Interesting, more Interesting, the most interesting

Narrow, narrower, the narrowest

Safe, safer, the safest

Dangerous, more dangerous, the most dangerous

Messy, messier, the messiest

Handsome, more handsome, the most handsome

Attractive, more Attractive, the most attractive

Delicious, more Delicious, the most delicious

Useful, more Useful, the most useful

Easy, easier, the easiest

Lucky, luckier, the luckiest

Quiet, quieter, the quietest

Noisy, noisier, the noisiest

Modern, more Modern, the most modern

Patient, more Patient, the most patient

Convenient, more Convenient, the most convenient

Accurate, more Accurate, the most accurate

Аноним: а где остальное?
erofan333: готово
erofan333: Проверь на всякий пожарный, а то я мог ошибться
erofan333: ошибиться*
Аноним: спасибо большое
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