Task: Choose the correct tense form of the verb:
1) My relatives … to Kharkiv for their holidays last year.
a) goes; b) going; c) have gone; d) went
2) People … English all over the world.
a) speaks; b) speak; c) has spoken; d) had spoken.
3) Roman … any mistakes in his dictation, did he?
a) didn’t make; b) made; c) had made; d) hadn’t made
4) Every day he … his dinner at school canteen.
a) have; b) has; c) is having; d) was having
5) The weather … fine tomorrow.
a) shall; b) will be; c) will; d) was
6) How often … you go to the swimming-pool?
a) do; b) are; c) did; d) were
7) He usually … this fence once a year.
a) paint; b) paints; c) is painting; d) was painting
8) Don’t worry. I … here to help you.
a) is not; b) shall be; c) wouldn’t be; d) had been
9) They … a new road to the centre of the city yesterday.
a) built; b) build; c) have built; d) were building
10) We… not go there tomorrow.
a) did; b) will; c) shall; d) are


Ответ дал: Albina1710


1) went

2) speak

3) didn't make

4) has

5) will be

6) do

7) paints

8) shall be

9) built

10) will

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