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Complete the gaps with the following words: snowflakes, to take, collection, melted, During, born, microscope. Choose the correct option.

The snowflake man

Wilson Bentley was 1. _______ in America in February 1865. His parents were farmers. He liked 2. _______ when he was a boy.

When he was 15 years old, his mother gave him a 3. _______. He looked at the snowflakes through the microscope. He wanted to draw them. But it was very difficult to draw a snowflake because it 4. _______ very quickly. So, he began 5. _______ photographs.

It was difficult to get a good photo of a snowflake. He tried and tried and tried. Finally, after many experiments, Wilson Bentley photographed his first snowflake on 15 January 1885! 6. _______ his life, he made more than 5,000 photos of snowflakes. He also saw that all snowflakes are different. Bentley called snowflakes “ice flowers”.

You can see his 7. _______ of photos in the Buffalo Museum of Science in the USA.

1. born, 2. snowflakes, 3. microscope, 4. melted, 5. to take, 6. During, 7. collection
1. melted, 2. snowflakes, 3. microscope, 4. born, 5. during, 6. To take, 7. collection
1. born, 2. snowflakes, 3. collection, 4. melted, 5. to take, 6. During, 7. microscope


Ответ дал: saavaabduraimova

1. born, 2. snowflakes, 3. microscope, 4. melted, 5. to take, 6. During, 7. collection

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saavaabduraimova: Да, точно.
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