Напишите, как разные продукты могут быть полезны и вредны для здоровья?
На английском языке,срочно!!!


Ответ дал: s0660658090

1. Chips and french fries.
2. Burgers and hot dogs.
3. Sausage row and canned food.
4. Noodles and instant mashed potatoes.
5. Mayonnaise and ketchup.
6. Chocolate bars, candies and chewing candies.
7. Sweet soda and juice.
8. Popcorn.

The most useful products for the body
For the brain Salmon Tuna Sardine
For muscle Bananas Red meat Eggs
For lungs Broccoli Brussels sprouts Chinese cabbage
For eyes Corn Egg yolks Carrots
For the heart Tomatoes Baked potatoes Plum juice
For the intestines Prunes Kefir Yoghurts
For bones Oranges Milk and other dairy products Celery.

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