Помогите пожалуйста поместите слова в правильном порядке. 1.where/here/Bicycles/manufactured.

2.in that factory/Trainers/designed/are.

3.at midnight/caught/The thieves/were.

4.in that studio/are/produced/CDs.

5.grown/Apples/are/in the south of Engiand/

6.was/Oil/discovered/in the North sea.

7.yesterday/was/the letter/posted.


Ответ дал: s0660658090
1. Bicycles where manufactured here.
2. Trainers are designed in that factory.
3. The thieves were caught at midnight.
4. CDs are produced in that studio.
5. Apples are grown in the south of England.
6. Oil was discovered in the North Sea.
7. Letter was posted yesterday.
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