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Мавзолей Ленина - сооружение, расположенное в самом центре Москвы, на Красной площади, недалеко от Спасской Башни Кремля. Первоначально Мавзолей был деревянным. После смерти вождя в 1924 году было решено сохранить образ Ленина и возвести Мавзолей на Красной площади. Проект первого мавзолея принадлежал А.​


Ответ дал: VikazUkrainu


Lenin's Mausoleum is a building located in the very center of Moscow, on Red Square, not far from the Spasskaya Tower of the Kremlin. Originally, the Mausoleum was wooden. After the death of the leader in 1924, it was decided to preserve the image of Lenin and erect a Mausoleum on Red Square. The project of the first mausoleum belonged

Ответ дал: Kurill189


Lenin's Mausoleum is a building located in the very center of Moscow, on Red Square, not far from the Spasskaya Tower of the Kremlin. Originally, the Mausoleum was wooden. After death in 1924, it was decided to preserve the image of the Mausoleum on Red Square. The project of the first mausoleum belonged to A.


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