1.Today is Tuesday. *

Yesterday is Monday.
Yesterday was Monday.
Yesterday were Monday.
Yesterday are Monday.

2.We're very happy now! *

We are very happy last week!
We is very happy last week!
We were very happy last week!
We am very happy last week!

3.I'm in Almaty. *

I were in Aktobe last month.
I am in Aktobe last month.
I is in Aktobe last month.
I was in Aktobe last month.

4.The singers aren't at the concert now. *

The singers weren't at the concert last weekend.
The singers isn't at the concert last weekend.
The singers am not at the concert last weekend.
The singers are not at the concert last weekend.

5.Is the weather sunny today? *

Were the weather sunny yesterday?
Is the weather sunny yesterday?
Was the weather sunny yesterday?
Are the weather sunny yesterday?

6.The orchestra's music isn't very loud today! *

The orchestra's music wasn't very loud two days ago!
The orchestra's music weren't very loud two days ago!
The orchestra's music aren't very loud two days ago!
The orchestra's music am not very loud two days ago!

7.Where ___________ your sister born? *


8.___________ you and Miras at the party last night? *


9.I'm not hungry at the moment. *

I isn't hungry in the morning.
I weren't hungry in the morning.
I be not hungry in the morning.
I wasn't hungry in the morning.

10.King Edward ________ a wonderful man! He lived in the 19th century. *



Ответ дал: kv1nexS


1. was

2. were



5. Was

6. wasn't

7. was

8. Were

9. wasn't

10. was

AlishKun: объясни 7 и 10
kv1nexS: Седьмое : Где твоя сестра родилась? Это прошедшее время, значит есть два варианта (из твоих) was или were. Сестра - единственное число, значит was.
kv1nexS: Десятое: Король Едвард был замечательным человеком! Он жил в 19 веке. Он ЖИЛ, прошедшее время, значит он БЫЛ замечательным, прошедшее время
kv1nexS: Он в единственном числе, значит was
kv1nexS: Если помог, то сделай мой ответ лучшим :)
kv1nexS: Удачи в изучении английского языка
AlishKun: Спасибо
Вас заинтересует