номер 1

1) Michael didn’t have an Internet connection, so he checked his______ to see if it was working.

2) Mary cancelled her monthly_______ to her Internet Service Provider because it was too expensive.

3) I can’t install this ______. I think I need help.

4) If you _____ any computer problems, don’t hesitate to ask me.

варианты ответов
1.broadband connection; 2.subscription; 3.application; 4.come across

номер 2

When Bill(will return или returns), he( will help или helps)us.

If it(will stop или stops)raining, we(will go или go) to the park.

When my brother(will grow up или grows up) , he(will become или becomes) a navy officer.

I(will tell или tell) you everything about it if you(will agree или agree) to listen.

3 номер

Would you like me to fix the laptop for you? — (thanks, but i think i can manage myself или i dont think so)

Would you give me a hand with fixing the printer, please? — (i am fine, thanks или yes, why not?)

Can you help with my e-book? — (sure, whats the problem? или there's no problem)

Let me take a look at that problem with the printer. — (that's so kind of you или you're welcome)


Ответ дал: mej78286


Номер 1:

ответы идут в том же порядке, что и варианты.

Номер 2:

1)returns, will help

2)stops, we will go

3)grows up, will be

4)will tell, agree

Номер 3:

1) Не уверена, но скорее всего thanks, but i think i can manage it myself

2)yes, why not

3)sure, what's the problem

4)that's so kind of you

KatyaM1456: а как в 1ом номере, я не поняла, объясни пожалуйста
mej78286: просто ставь варианты ответов в том же порядке, в котором они есть
KatyaM1456: спасиба
mej78286: всегда пожалуйста)
KatyaM1456: а можешь помочь еще с 3 заданиями пожалуйста по англу?
mej78286: ок, постараюсь
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