Заполните пропуски моодальными глаголами.
1) Dad____wash our car at weekends.
2) My brother and I___ make brearfast,
Our mum makes it.
3) We____wear a school uniform. It's dark blue
4 Mum__ drive to work. She walks.
o We__go to school every day, but we
go to school on Sunday,
6) Mum__ go shopping. Dad goes shopping
twice a week.
7 I___get up early today, I want to do
my job
8 you___watch this film, it is funny.


Ответ дал: mrhepler
1) couldn’t
2) can’t
3) must/have to
4) can’t
5) must
6) can’t
8) should

mrhepler: I have made a mistake in number 7. The right answer is “should”
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