1. Work in pairs and choose the right statement.

1. Australia is a continent-island washed by …

a) the Indian and the Pacific Oceans b) the Indian c) the Atlantic Ocean and the

Pacific Ocean

2. The country consists of … states and … territories

a) five / three b) two / six c) six / two

3. The capital is …

a) Sydney, b) Melbourne c) Canberra

4. Who represents the Queen of England?

a) Prime Minister b) Governor-General c) President

5. The Federal Parliament consists of …

a) the Senate and the House of Representatives b) the House of Representatives

and the House of Commons c) the House of Commons and the Senate

6. What is the population of Australia?

a) 18 million people b) 23 million people c) 16 million people

7. … is the main occupation in the country

a) agriculture b) industry c) tourism

8. The Queen’s representative in Australia is:

a) The Prime Minister

b) The Governor General

c) The leader of the main political party

9. The number of members in the House of Representatives from each state

depends on its:

a) size

b) level of development

c) population​


Ответ дал: korunchyk


1. Australia is a continent-island washed by the Indian and the Pacific Oceans

a) the Indian and the Pacific Oceans

2. The country consists of six states and two territories.

c) six / two

3. The capital is Canberra.

c) Canberra

4. Who represents the Queen of England?

b) Governor-General

5. The Federal Parliament consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives.

a) the Senate and the House of Representatives

6. What is the population of Australia?

b) 23 million people

7. Industry is the main occupation in the country

b) industry

8. The Queen’s representative in Australia is:

b) The Governor General

9. The number of members in the House of Representatives from each state depends on its:

c) population​

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