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Helpmm: только 4?


Ответ дал: Lincrafting

Exercise 3.

1. In the future there will be some popular jobs. First of all, everything that is connected with IT will be in demand in the near future. Secondly, robotics is another sphere that will be very popular as more and more robots are being used in production all over the world.

2. I think that there are some factors that influence the choice. Firstly, I think that the parents of a person play a huge role in a choice that this person makes. In addition, all the people that surround him can also be a factor that influence the choice

3. As for me, people are satisfied with the job when they love it. If a person doesn't like what he does for a living, he won't be satisfied even if it is a well-paid job. It won't make you feel happy, therefore, you will be dissatisfied with the job that you have.

4. There different kinds of skills. There are hard and soft skills. Hard skills are very specific for a certain job or sphere and rarely can be used somewhere else. Soft skills are treats that are useful almost everywhere, like communication, the ability to treat people the right way. It will be useful even if you are an IT-specialist or if you are a nurse.

5. Different qualities are valued differently, depending on the sphere. The ability to communicate with other people is more valued among teachers than among programmers. An ability to find mistake as soon as possible, vice versa, is more valuable for IT-specialists than among other professions.

Exercise 4.

1. The parents recommended their son to choose the subjects he enjoyed.

2. The teacher told the students not to forget about their exams.

3. Dave advised Maria to look through the local newspapers.

4. Jane asked Daniel not to come late.

5. The coach told the athlete to fill in the application form.

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