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Imagine you want to take part in "Survival UK". Write a short text about yourself. Include: name, age, job, hobbies/likes, feelings towards game and a luxury item. 75



Ответ дал: aaleksandrovalina

Hello! I'm Bella and I'm 23 years old. I haven't got a job, because I'm studying at university right now, but in the future I want to become a lawyer. I'm fond of playing the piano and just like listening to music. Also I play tennis and read a lot if books. Honestly, it's really interesting. You know, I'm a very shy person, and I hope, this game will change it! I usually worry about different activities and competitions, start sweating and trembling. But I don't wish to do it anymore. I really want to become more confident and I'm sure, this game will help me.

Kristinalukan: Thank you
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