помогите написать сочинение на тему "My last weekend" (Мои последние выходные) 100 слов.


Ответ дал: Equlilibrium

I like to go to school during the week as I get to know something new every day. But most of all I like weekends. I do not have to get up early in the morning. I can stay in bed longer. During the weekend I can do everything I want. But this doesn’t mean that I do nothing at all.

Usually I read books and listen to my favorite singers. I meet with my friend and we walk along my town and fancy funny stories about people around us. Sometimes when the weather is good I take a ride on my bicycle to the nearest park. I enjoy being on the fresh air as much as possible. Some of my friends go to the countryside every weekend. It is some kind of a family tradition for them.

In whole the weekend is the great time when all my family gathers together.

( я всё же не знаю как вы проводите выходные поэтому можете добавить чего то )

Аноним: спасибо, а можно перевод текста))
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