Пожалуйста, помогите перевести предложения из прямой речи в косвенную.

"Jack is thirsty."
Jack said that he ..

"I'll book a ticket for a show."
He said she..

"We've bought a new car."
Kate and Paul told us that they..

"I live in the city centre."
Mary said that she..

"My classmates can speak Chinese."
They said that they..

"I saw the new action movie at the cinema."
Julie said that she..


Ответ дал: korunchyk


"Jack is thirsty."

Jack said that he is thirsty.

"I'll book a ticket for a show."

He said she will book a ticket for a show.

"We've bought a new car."

Kate and Paul told us that they have bought a new car.

"I live in the city centre."

Mary said that she lives in the city centre.

"My classmates can speak Chinese."

They said that they can speak Chinese.

"I saw the new action movie at the cinema."

Julie said that she saw the new action movie at the cinema.

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