Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степень следующих прилагательных.

Small, long, strong,popular, thick, short, clever, tall, cold, beautiful, wide, thin, fat, nice, weak, warm, merry, dirty, high, heavy, deep, dry, clean, brave, interesting, good,


Ответ дал: daniilvoron24


small - smaller - the smallest,  long - longer - the longest, strong - stronger - the strongest, popular - more popular - the most popular, thick - thicker - the thickest, short - shorter - the shortest, clever - cleverer - the cleverest, tall - taller - the tallest, cold - colder - the coldest, beautiful - more beautiful - the most beautiful, wide - wider - the widest, thin - thinner - the thinnest, fat - fatter - the fattest, nice - nicer - the nicest, weak - weaker - the weakest, warm - warmer - the warmest, merry - merrier - the merriest, dirty - dirtier - the dirtiest, high - higher - the highest, heavy - heavier - the heaviest, deep - deeper - the deepest, dry - drier - the driest, clean - cleaner - the cleanest, brave - braver - the bravest, interesting - more interesting - the most interesting, good - better - the best

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