Open the brackets using Present Continuous and choose the right line.

1. My Dad (not have) his lunch now.

2. The kids (not study) tomorrow.

3. It (not rain) today.

4. I (not study) German.

5. We (not go) to Egypt on summer holiday.

1) isn’t having 2) aren’t studying 3) isn’t raining 4) am not studying 5) are not going
1) isn’t having 2) aren’t studying 3) isn’t raining 4) am not studying 5) are going
1) isn’t having 2) aren’t studying 3) isn’t raining 4) am not studing 5) are not going


Ответ дал: mariajewel1
1) Mu da isn’t having his lunch now
2)The kids aren’t studying tomorrow.
3) It isn’t raining today.
4)I am not studying German.
5)We are not going to Egypt on summer holiday.

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