32.3 Put in there is/ there are/ there was / there were / there has been / there will be
1 There was a good film on TV yesterday evening.
2 Look! There has been an accident. Call an ambulance!
3 ......... 24 hours in a day.
4 ............ a party at the club last Friday but I didn't go.
5 Look! This bag is empty.
..... nothing in it.
6 'Why are those policemen outside the bank? '....... a robbery.
7 When we arrived at the cinema, ........a long queue outside.
8 ........ somebody at the station to meet you when you arrive tomorrow.
9 Ten years ago .......
500 children at the school. Now........over a thousand.​


Ответ дал: Zaksygulospanova

3.,there are


5.there is

6.there will be

7.there were

8.there is

9.there will be,there are

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