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controller innovators isolation leader mentors monitors producers success
Team-building: getting the balance right
The whole point of teamwork is that people work together. The most effective teams contain a balance of different people with different skills. For example, a team needs 1______________________. These are creative, ideas-oriented people. They look for new solutions and explore alternatives. The team also needs 2______________________, people who get results. These are task-oriented and understand the objectives of the team. Both these types tend to be competitive.
Balancing this are more co-operative individuals. These may include 3______________________, who support team members and make sure good relationships are maintained. Others are 4______________________, with technical expertise and the ability to check progress, measure performance and ensure that things are both possible and desirable.
Another important role is the 5______________________, who works on all levels of co-ordination and organization of the team.
At the heart of the team is the 6______________________. His/her role is to make sure that all parts of the team work well together. He/she must motivate team members to achieve the agreed objectives. He/she is also responsible for summarizing and reporting the work of the team.
Team building in the workplace creates a sense of collective responsibility. Everyone shares in success, everyone learns from mistakes, everyone works together to help everyone else. The result is – in theory – more harmony, less competition; more support, less 7______________________; more job satisfaction and lower turnover of staff. The combined result is more 8______________________.


Ответ дал: Жруся
1. Innovators
2. Producers
3. Mentors
4. Monitors
5. Controller
6. Leader
7. Isolation
8. Success
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