8. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or the Past Perfect.

1) When he … (come) the seminar … (already/start). 2) The interview was all that they … (expect). 3) There … (be) silence after she … (go). 4) Mr. Brown … (just/finish) giving the lecture when the bell … (ring). 5) He … (reach) the university and suddenly (remember) that he … (not / take) his notes. 6) I … (keep) silence for a little while thinking of what he … (tell) me. 7) Un-fortunately when I arrived Ann … (already /leave).


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11


1 came  / had already started

2 had expected

3 was/ had gone

4 had just finished / rang

5 reached / remembered / hadn’t taken

6 kept / had told

7 had already gone


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