9. Put the verb in brackets into the Future Perfect Tense.

1) We … (finish) all the home work by 4 o'clock this afternoon. 2) I … (read) this book by tomorrow evening. 3) Thousands of people … (see) this ex-hibition by the end of the month. 4) They … (build) the house long before the end of October. 5) He … (translate) the text by 3 p. m. tomorrow. 6) I … (write) my composition by the time you come back. 7) By the end of the term I … (read) all the books on the list. 8) By the end of my university course I … (at-tend) 1200 lectures.


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11


1 will have finished

2 will have read

3 will have seen

4 will have built

5 will have translated

6 will have written

7 will have read

8 will have attended


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