I. Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную формы.
1. Granny is making a plum-cake.
2. My parents are drinking coffee now.
3. I am listening to music.
4. Your sister is waiting for you.
5. We are reading an interesting book at the moment.
6. I am looking after my sister.

II. Найдите и исправьте ошибки.
1. He plays the piano now.
2. What is they doing?
3. My friends not playing computer games.
4. What they eating now?
5. I isn’t talking on the phone.
6. We skate in the park at the moment.
7. She is go to school now.
8. Are your parents walking in the park?
9. You is drinking milk.


Ответ дал: pobedavictoriya88


1.Granny is not making a plum cake

Is granny making a plum cake?

2. My parents are not drinking coffee now

Are my parents drinking coffee now?

3. I am not listening to music.

Am I listening to music?

5. We are not reading an interesting book at the moment

Are we reading an interesting book at the moment?

4. Your Sister is not waiting for you.

Is your Sister waiting for you?

6. I am not looking after my sister

Am I looking after my Sister?


1. He pays the piano

2. What are they doing?

3. My friends are not playing a computer games.

4. What are they eating now?

5. I am not talking on phone.

6. We skate in the Park.

7. She is going to school now.

8. Is your parents walking in the park

9. You are drinking milk.

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