Нужно написать мини эссе,на тему Oceans pollution. Помогите пожалуйста


Ответ дал: Аноним


The ocean occupies 70 percent of our planet, many marine creatures live in it, but they are killed more by the pollution of the oceans, with several tons of debris flowing into the ocean each year. The expedition took place and the researchers found garbage off the coast of Chile, saying that it reaches several million square kilometers, all because of the large pollution of plastic, waste, glass, paper. The biggest garbage is through paper and plastic, a video appeared on YouTube that a young environmentalist was spreading garbage from a bottle, and every day he threw balls of food at him in this way, he urged other people to do so, so that the garbage was not lying around, you need to sort garbage plastic to plastic, glass to glass, etc., I think that everyone's motto should be the phrase "I start with myself"

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