Упражнение 1. Поставьте наречия на правильное место в предложении:
1. The weather was gloomy on that day. (extremely)
2. I have seen a talking parrot, (never)
3. We shall go to the country, (tomorrow)
4. My aunt Helen lives with her little daughter, (here)
5. The boys opened that magazine, (seldom)
6. I looked at the apple, I didn’t touch it. (only)
7. Poor Tom has realized how long it is from breakfast to dinner, (never, before)
8. His father has been in the Far East two years.(nearly)


Ответ дал: geolapsha

Ответ:1.The weather was  extremely gloomy on that day.

2. I have never seen a talking parrot,

3.We shall go to the country tomorrow

4.My aunt Helen lives here with her little daughter

5.The boys seldom opened that magazine

6.I only looked at the apple, I didn’t touch it.

7.Poor Tom has never realized before how long it is from breakfast to dinner

8.His father has been in the Far East nearly two years


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