Упражнение 4. Поставьте наречия в сравнительную или превосходную степень.
1. The hare ran (fast) than the tortoise but he was (far) from the aim.
2. I can’t make out what you are saying; speak (slowly) and (distinctly).
3. Of all the New Year’s Eves this one was celebrated by us (joyfully).
4. That day Nick came home (late) than usual.
5. He always stays there (long) of all.


Ответ дал: SORDIS


1. The hare ran faster than the tortoise but he was further from the aim.

2. I can’t make out what you are saying; speak slower and more distinctly.

3. Of all the New Year’s Eves this one was celebrated by us more joyfully.

4. That day Nick came home later than usual.

5. He always stays there longer of all.


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